Monday, March 12, 2012


okay so i would like to know what comes in the season pass coupon booklet because the website doesn't give you allot of information i know it gives you $300 dollars in savings but what comes with that..please give allot of detail thank you oh and i am going to six flags iver georgia and do you think it will be packed this friday because that's when i am going.SIX FLAGS HELP PLEASE {URGENT}?
Well hopefully someone can let you know what the Georgia park has in their coupon coupon booklet from last year (from Six Flags in Maryland) had the "bring a friend free" coupons, it also had a "bring a friend 1/2 price to any other Six Flags" coupon. All of the coupons, except for the last one I just stated, were only valid for the park which I purchased my pass from. The other coupons were various "discounts for friends" coupons (like "bring a friend for $14.99 June 1 - 7th", or "bring a friend for $9.99 during Sundays during Freight Fest" - I don't remember the exact numbers, but there were several coupons like that). They also had discounts for rides and games (like "buy one game, get one free" or "buy one ride on ----, and someone goes on free with you"). There were also merchandise coupons where the discount equaled your age (for example "on September 23rd, your discount equals your age" so if you are 40 years old, you can get ONE item 40% off that day). They also had discounts on food (like 10% off your meal), and discounts off merchandise, although if you show your pass when buying souvenirs, you automatically get 10 or 15% off (same goes with food). They had other discounts on food like "$4 off one funnel cake". Sorry I do not have my booklet with me, nor do I have the one from Six Flags over Georgia, but all the booklets are similar except for "bring a friend free" dates.

Hope that helps a little!

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