Monday, March 12, 2012

Moms birthday?!?!?!? Next Friday!!!!!?

Ok so I need gift ideas made in mind that I am a "big girl now" and I don't think that 'mommy coupons' is gonna cut it anymore. Listen im sure most of you people would think that it would be nice to get a homemade craft either way but I would like it if I gave her a REAL GIFT. also made in mind that I have the following probs:

My dad left us with mommy about ehhh 5-10 years ago. So NOOO cash (allowance? please! you lucky that you find a penny under you pillow wen da toof fairy come! She is incharge of the money if we want to buy something we ask her)

I like homemade things like spa stuff but we don't have heavy duty supplies!! ok?

I will edit this to add more if you ask somethin

thanks!Moms birthday?!?!?!? Next Friday!!!!!?
What other things have you tried in past years?

What kind of things does your mom like/dislike?

Please list more information so everyone can help bring out ideas.

As for an idea, does a small surprise party / bbq work? You can get people that are close to her, or just your family members and plan like a "Summer bbq" but then suddenly bring out a birthday cake just for her, while singing the song. (Yes money would be an issue since she's in charge..but maybe you can ask a cousin/other family member to help out?)

I have many ideas that could help, so if you would like to, you can email me.

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