Friday, March 9, 2012

How would you react in these situations?

Scenario #1

You walk up on several co-workers who are talking about you like a dog. When they notice you're standing there they all scatter and have sheepish grins on their faces. What would be your reaction to them?

Scenario #2

You are in the "20 items or less" line in Wal-Mart and you are next in line. The person in front of you has a cart FULL of groceries, and you know there's no way they have 20 items or less. They are also thumbing through a huge stack of coupons. What would be your reaction to them?

Scenario #3

It's Monday and one of you friends asks you to borrow $50. You really don't have it to give but you lend it to them anyway, because their electric is in jeopardy of being turned off. They agree to pay you back on Friday. Friday rolls around and you haven't heard from them. You give them another week and you still don't hear anything back from them. What would be your reaction to them?How would you react in these situations?
1. I'd say something like "wow I didn't know we were in high school"

2. I would be a little annoyed but it's not a huge deal to me so I would just wait it out.

3. First off, I wouldn't give them money hahaha but if I did, I would call them out on it and ask them to pay me back (in a nice way of course haha)
1) Ignore them

2) Typical. That's a weekly event for me. I'm so used to people being rude.

3) I don't loan money to anyone for that exact reason.How would you react in these situations?
1) I will just give a smile to anybody who will be looking at me, then do my work without saying anything;

2) If i am in hurry i will go to another line;

3) It's OK, there is no any emergency necessity for me to get that $50. so, i will wait.
#1. ignore them

#2. it's okay, only one person right

#3. i will wait, and give them time to pay
1. Yell "Get a life!" (in good humor)

2. Ask them if they were in the wrong line

3. Annoyed a little but more at myself.

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