Monday, March 12, 2012

Pre-teenager problems (bet i know that ur thinking "here we go again")?

my mom won't let me grow up!!!!! plz don't say "take on more chores" or something. i've told her that we're having a dance this friday and seh didn't react untill i told her again and she asked "who are u oging to dance with?" i'm sure i turned red and i said "mom, u dont' have to go with someone." and now we're going shopping becuase "of a coupon that's about to expire".i'm so nervous about teh dance. plz give me advice on trying to convince my mom tht i'm a "big girl" and how i should act at teh dacne. adn by the way plz tell me what i should wear. i looked at gap and limited too and saw 2 party dresses at gap. but i don't no if theyr'e ok. i also saw some skirts too. should i wear a dress or skirt??? it's so hard!! i tried calling my friend but she's not home............ plz help a poor middle schooler on her first dance this weekend.................Pre-teenager problems (bet i know that ur thinking "here we go again")?

wish i could help you.

why not search for "modest school girl party clothes".

try the picture category.

only ur matured character would convince your mom you are grown up.

not to worry, though you are still young, like the budding of a new flower, when you get matured, you would enjoy it. it usually takes time... like 8 - 10 more years
First of all, learn how to spell. Then, I don't think you're explaining yourself very well cuz it sounds to me like your mom is letting you go to the dance and she's buying a dress, but you want her to let you grow up? Finally, wear a dress- it's more dressy than skirts in general. Wear a modest one though.Pre-teenager problems (bet i know that ur thinking "here we go again")?
I'm not sure exactly what your problem is, but ok here goes....

1. Learn to spell

2. STOP asking everyone what you should do, and wear, and act like.

3. Be yourself damnit!

4. Grow up.

hope that helps. :-)

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