Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Babies R Us have significant "Black Friday" sales?

I have coupons for 15% off anything in the store along with several $10 off bouncy chairs, high chairs, etc. I've never been pregnant at this time of year so I've never paid attention. My coupons expire the day before Thanskgiving, and seem to be decent discounts, but I just wondered if it would be worth it to brave the crowds and get something the day after? Experience? Thanks!Does Babies R Us have significant "Black Friday" sales?
I've only gone twice on their 'Day After Thanksgiving Sale" but it was for one or two specific things. Like last year I got a Basketball goal for the kids for only $15 or something like that. It was cheaper than any other place. Other than that though, if you don't have anything specific in mind, I wouldn't bother. Just scan the ad when you get it and see if they have something that you want/need. IF not, use your coupon to go get it. You'll save time, money and hassle.
I don't ever remember them having good sales in general, and I went once on Black Friday....an not much of a sale that day either. The store is super expensive, and they can keep it that way because they know you will pay it because you want good stuff for your baby. Does Babies R Us have significant "Black Friday" sales?
Oh my god there are TONS of sales. Every employee has to work that day and we spend weeks getting ready for it. It's great.

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