Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Black Friday shopping? whats on your list..?

I plan to save up my money from now on until black friday(day after Thanksgiving) to shop with my best friend that early morining/midnight.

what are some good places to shop at on black friday?

whats on your black friday shopping list?

any coupons, etc..

thankss :]Black Friday shopping? whats on your list..?
Nothing at all. I won't shop on Black Friday, haven't for many years. The crowds make it unbearable, and the bargains aren't any better than the ones all the way to Christmas.

Still, if you think it's fun, enjoy!

Check the newspaper in the days before Thanksgiving for sales, coupons, and all that, starting Sunday the 22nd.
A lot of department stores have huge sales on Black Friday, some places to go are:

Best Buy


Office Max

Toys R Us

And it depends on what you're looking for.

The newspaper also had all the sales. You should get it so you know what to look for %26amp; you can get it before they're all gone.Black Friday shopping? whats on your list..?
depending on where you live, i know that the outlets by my house are great and the mall...some stores. I actually plan to skip black friday this year and stay home. i usually do it every year and while the savings are great the lines and crowds are just not worth it.
my family has a tradition of going over all the ads after dinner on thanksgiving and finding what we want from there. I know we always hit up best buy (they open at 5) and usually target. I'm planning on a new phone this year, so I'm going to stop by the verizon store as well.
im going to maryland. my dad is SOO freakin cheap its crazy. so i might not b able to go :P

but IF i do....

defintiely going to stores that arent wear i live. my dream is to go to like charlottle russe or papaya (things that arent ANYWHRE close to me)
ipod nano and movies at walmart i'm already saving money and i'm not sleeping that night because i ever do on black fridays to make sure that i go and i get up at 5:00 a.m.
see if you can find uggs on sale and mabye some good makeup%26gt;

i suggest sigma 12 peice makeup bushes, there awesome

also any clothing store that is havein a great sale
new house...hopefully there's 50% discount. hahaha
kmart %26amp; target.
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