Scenario #1
You walk up on several co-workers who are talking about you like a dog. When they notice you're standing there they all scatter and have sheepish grins on their faces. What would be your reaction to them?
Scenario #2
You are in the "20 items or less" line in Wal-Mart and you are next in line. The person in front of you has a cart FULL of groceries, and you know there's no way they have 20 items or less. They are also thumbing through a huge stack of coupons. What would be your reaction to them?
Scenario #3
It's Monday and one of you friends asks you to borrow $50. You really don't have it to give but you lend it to them anyway, because their electric is in jeopardy of being turned off. They agree to pay you back on Friday. Friday rolls around and you haven't heard from them. You give them another week and you still don't hear anything back from them. What would be your reaction to them?|||#1: Nothing. I'd smile(and secretly curse them) and go on about my business. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
#2: I've had to deal with that many times before. If I can't find a quicker line, I'd have to grin and bear it. Sometimes the person will see I have one item and let me go ahead.
#3: I'd have to become "Little Miss Bill Collector" and start playing phone tag and making house calls. Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions.|||in all 3 senarios...stand up for yourself|||Scenario #1 : that sucks but who cares. I wouldn't do anything different other than not befriending any of them.
Scenario #2 : What can you do? If the checkout person doesn't enforce the rule who are we to?
Scenario #3 : Call them and tell them you need it back. They had the balls to ask for the money the first time, you have every right to ask for it back.|||1) Well they've scattered, so they won't see my reaction anyway. So I guess I wouldn't put any thought into it.
2) That's happened to me a few times. I usually don't do anything about it, since even in the best case scenario that they go to a different line the argument is probably going to end up taking longer than the extra items would. If they looked at me then I'd probably stare at their stuff for a few second then roll my eyes, just so they'd feel bad about it.
3) If it's a close enough friend for me to lend $50 to and I hadn't heard from them in two weeks then my reaction would be to call them and find out what was going on. If they were that far behind on their power bill then maybe their 'phone has been cut off or something, it might not be their fault that they haven't been in touch.|||1. I would ask them what seems to be their problem with me.
2 I do believe the sign said 20 items or less.
3. Call the friend and ask for the money and say I even gave you an extra week to pay me back.|||#1 They would know really quickly that they messed up because I'll make sure something bad happens to each and every one of them.
#2 I'd be really irritated but I'd do what I always do and just wait it out.
#3 Well on that first Friday I would've called him up, and when he told me he didn't have the money then I'd give him another week (like u said) and then if he didn't have the money then we would have some big problems and it's probably end in me taking something of his worth $50+|||#1
who cares...
who cares...
find the dead-beat and confront him/her|||1.) Smile broadly and laugh it off. Their embarassment is punishment enough.
2.) I'd tap them on the shoulder and point to a regular line, if of course the cashier didn't say something first. If nothing happened then I'd leave my cart and walk out. That's incredibly rude.
3.) I'd call them and say "Hey, I need to do some shopping this week and that $50 would reall help out. I understand if you need some time paying me back but if you could give me some of it I would appreciate it."|||1. I'd make a point of being especially sweet to all of them so that they all feel terribly guilty and embarrassed.
2. I'd give the person the benefit of the doubt and politely point out that this is the 20 items or less lane. If the person didn't take the hint, I'd let the cashier deal with it. After all, it's their job, not mine.
3. I'd mentally kick myself for not getting the promise in writing to begin with, and kiss my money (and probably my friend) goodbye. There's not really any way to prove he/she owes me money now.|||(1) - Chuckle and say, "What a relief, I thought I was the only bastard that worked here!!"
(2) - It wouldn't bother me. It would suck, but not enough to comment, sigh, or be a b!+ch about it.
(3) - First, I wouldn't have given him another week...but since that's how it is, I'd just bring it up with the friend....and if he/she evades it, I'd throw in a joke or two about how it'll need to be paid back with interest or lunch.|||In all three scenarios..Here is my answer.... Let it go it is better in the long run to give and not take, do not be bitter or expect a reward for your good deeds. If someone talks trash about you show others you are the bigger person and stay above it do not retalitate and spread the will look and feel better in the end remember what goes around comes around....What is coming your way??|||I have actually dealt with both scenarios #1 and #2, so I can tell you exactly how I reacted. I also know how I would react to #3.
I worked at a library and things were not going well. They were putting a lot of pressure on me because of a medical condition. They had a whole file full of letters from my doctors explaining why I was calling in sick, and that there was nothing to be done about it. Since it was the county government, they couldn't fire me for it, so they were coming down hard on me for any tiny thing. One day I walked out of the restroom and there was a group of my co-workers standing there talking about me. They scattered. One of my talents, for what it's worth, is an ability to instantly single out the weakest member of any group. So that's who I went after. I simply walked over to her, where she was pretending to look for something in the supply cupboard, and said very loudly, "So, I heard you all talking about me. I didn't quite catch the whole discussion, but since it was about me, I'd like to know what was being said." She mumbled something and turned away from me. In the meantime, two of the other people who had been talking about me came back into the room to watch what was going to happen. I asked them the same question. They all turned and stood in a circle, staring at each other. I finally turned back to the weakest one and stated again that I felt I had a right to hear what had been said, since it was clearly about me. She buckled and told me all of it. I then went to every single person who had been in the group, told them that I had been told about their conversation, and told them that what was going on with me was none of their business. I also gently reminded them that while I could not be fired for my health problems, they could be fired for creating a hostile work environment. That really got their attention. I got a lot of apologies, and after that, if anyone said anything bad about me, someone always came to me and told me the entire story so that it wouldn't look like they were participating in the gossip. So, for scenario #1, I would simply ask, and if need be, demand an explanation. People expect you to hide your head in a situation like that--they don't expect you to go on the offensive.
My experience at Wal-Mart was so much like the one you describe it's funny. I was buying a few items, and I needed cigarettes. The only aisle that sold cigarettes back then was the express, 20 items or less, aisle. I got in line, and there was a woman who had a cart full of yarn. You could just tell from looking that there were a lot more than 20 skeins. Her daughter, who had a cart so full stuff was spilling out, was standing sort of behind her, but off to her side, not really in line. The cashier explained politely to the older woman that she had more than 20 items, but that she would make a special exception for her that one time. Then she looked at the daughter and said quite clearly, "You will need to go to another cashier. We have a line of people waiting, and it isn't fair to them to wait when they are in the express lane." The girl petulantly replied that she had already been in line for 5 minutes, and didn't want to wait any longer. Just then, another cashier came and they changed out drawers, but as the first cashier was leaving, she told the other one, "I already told her she has to go someplace else. We have six or seven people in line who are following the rules, and it's not fair for her to use this aisle." Well, the new cashier was a young girl, and between the mother and the pregnant daughter whining and cajoling, she finally agreed to ring the girl up. She was so embarrassed she wouldn't even look at those of us who were waiting in line. Since I was behind the girl, I was able to watch her take items out of her cart. I counted 39 before the woman behind me in line said something to me and made me lose count, but I know the cart was still more than half-full when I stopped counting. When everything was tallied up, the girl looked at her mother and said, "That was more than I thought it would be. I wonder why?" Then her face lit up and she said, "Oh, I know, I forgot my coupons!" What followed was approximately 10 minutes of her sifting through her little coupon carrier, trying to remember what she had bought and what she hadn't. She'd hand over a coupon to be scanned, and the computer would reject it, and she'd make the cashier dig through her bags to find out why the coupon wasn't accepted. The whole transaction took about 20 minutes. Had the store not been packed to the rafters, I would have left and gone to another cashier. Finally, it was over, and they left, and I paid and went out to the parking lot. As I approached the cart return area, the girl was just bringing back her cart. She smiled at me and said something chipper about how long her transaction had taken. I was pretty mad, and my reply was, "It must be nice to not give a s*** about anyone but yourself." "What do you mean?" she replied. "What I mean is that you showed a complete lack of courtesy or regard for other people by doing that, and it was quite clear from your demeanor in the store that you felt entitled to what you did, despite it being unfair to others. I mean, even the cashier told you you had to go someplace else, and you started in on the whiny 'I'm pregnant, I can't stand in line' thing. It was pathetic." I walked away. I got in my truck, and suddenly there was someone banging on my window. It was her mother. She was furious and she yelled at me, "What did you say to my daughter? She's crying, and in case you haven't noticed, she's pregnant!" I repeated what I had said to her daughter, and I added that the saddest thing of the whole episode, as far as I was concerned, was that her daughter was going to teach that baby in her womb (by the way, the daughter was pregnant, but she wasn't showing much--I would put her at around 6 months) to be just as disrespectful of the rights of others, and to never care for the needs of anyone but his or herself. I then rolled up the window, and the woman continued banging on it. I couldn't back out because she was so close that my mirror would have hit her, so I rolled down my window and asked her to move. She refused to move until she got an apology, and I told her to pack sand. "Pack sand? What's that supposed to mean?" she shouted at me. "Oh, sorry," I replied, "I meant pack it in your a**." She was so shocked she backed away from my truck like I had slapped her, and I was finally able to back out. So, for scenario #2, I would confront the person who was so rude. If the cashier hadn't said anything, I would have also spoken to the cashier about it. I would speak to the cashier first, and then the person, but I would definitely let it be known that I was not happy about the situation, and that I think it shows a complete lack of courtesy or decency.
The third scenario is unlikely to happen to me. When I was younger, before I was married, I always had a lot more money than my friends did. From time to time, someone would borrow money and not pay it back. I would remind them very politely, they would give me an excuse, and then that would be it. They would think they had gotten off easily, but the next time they tried to borrow anything from me, I would simply tell them that since they didn't make good on the previous loan of money, I was not willing to loan them my sweater for the party, or more money, or whatever. After a while, the only people I lent money to were my very best friends and my boyfriend (he still owed me nearly $500 when we broke up--I finally figured out it was a small price to pay for getting rid of him). Those people really close to me always paid me back, even if it meant just a few dollars here and there. What I decided around the time I got married was that I would never lend anything I wasn't willing to lose. Accordingly, my husband and I have loaned people money from time to time, but only small amounts. We have done it knowing full well that we may never see the money we lend. We figure if we get it back, it's a bonus. So, my reaction in scenario #3 would be to give one gentle and polite reminder, and then let it drop. But they wouldn't be able to borrow anything from me in the future. The only exception is I might give them a sip of water if they were dying in the desert, but that's about it. Also, I have noticed that when people borrow money a lot, they tend to borrow from a lot of different people. When I lent money, I would, from time to time, have someone ask me if someone was reliable and would pay them back. I would always tell the truth. Many people refused to lend others money because they asked me first and found out I had never been paid back. Being turned down for a small loan like that really gets the message across to people that they have a reputation for being unreliable, and they usually either pay you back in full, or stop borrowing from people in general.
Sorry for the length--I'm always wordy, but particularly so today.
Exactly's response to scenario #1 is the funniest, best thing I have heard in years. I am borrowing it from him from now on--that's just beautiful!|||Number one - Ask the spineless cowards if they would like to speak to you about anything
Number two - Tell that person they are in the wrong line and you have no trouble helping her find one more suitable. If that didn't work, Personally, I'd just walk in front of her.
Number three - NEVER, EVER, EVER Loan $$$$ to anyone. I don't care what the sob story is. You tell them no, chances are that they will find it elsewhere.|||Scenario #1 Report them to authority.
Scenario #2 Exercise patience.
Scenario #3 Don't ask them. They will never come to you when they want help. They will be feeling ashamed.|||#1 tell the main people each separately that i feel their conversations are inappropriate and rude.
#2 get their attention and point to the sign above then motion to my few items with my hand...
#3 go search them out... go directly to their home and even if it has to be late, tell them directly that you are now in jeopardy of something and it is only fair that they keep up their promise.|||1. I would let them know I heard what they said. And that I would really apreciate if they have a problem with me to let me know.
2. I would be really fustruated but I know that were I go do my shopping they will say something before I.
3. I dont know I was stay quiet. But if I really need the money. I would tell them hey am sorry to say this but I really need my money when can you pay me.
OK I WOULD SCREAM TO ALL OF THEM AND TALK EVERYTHING THAT I FEEL...........LOL...|||to all the questions: ANGRINESS!!! ME ANGRY!! ME RIP EVERYTHING TO SHREDS!! ME HURT YOU!! seriously, id be that pissed off.|||scenario 1
I would ask them directly and politely to please talk to me about any problem tey have at work with me.
scenario 2
i would just ignore that fact. it wouldnt make a different whatever u said to the woman or to the girl in the cashmachine..
scenario 3
dont lend any money to anybody else. i wouldnt ask back for it... i have more education than that friend!!! if u really need the money back, maybe give a hint... if he doesnt "want" to get them, u know what kind of person he is... if he is not in a real need, try to avoid givin him anymore money!|||scene 1: i would hunt them all down and pepper spray them in the eyes out of work so i wouldn't get fired and they would learn not to talk about me while i'm there.
Scene 2: i would tell the lady that she's in the wrong line even though it's supposed to be the employees job then i would complain to the manager just to make it miserable for him.
Scene 3: i would tell them to pay or i would threaten them with a lawsuit of coarse if they were my friends then i wouldn't actually sue them but threaten them with it and get another friend to dress up in a suit and tell them that he's your lawyer just to scare the crap out of them.|||scenario 1....i just ask not shy and they know this and i could care less what their opinion is of me or hate me..cant have both...and im also the type of person that will tell you oh yeah i talk about everyone and im gonna talk about you but i never deny i always own up...everyone does it no need to stress over something so petty
scenario 2...this pisses me off like no other..i have respect not to to do that as i hope other people would also..i show my discontent without being pushy and outright causing a scene..worst case scenario i move to a different line or make a comment to the clerk when i do make it up there
and scenario 3...its only 50 bucks..who cares...if i get it iget..thank god it wasnt 500 always down for giving to charity|||Sounds to me like this person is a PUSH OVER and lets people walk all OVER THEM, this person needs to learn how to STAND up for herself.
#1 They don't matter, just ignore them; I have my own life to worry about not what other ignorrant people are saying about me.
#2 I would politley say "excuse me do you have 20 items or less because THIS IS the 20 items or less section?"
#3 If I don't have the money, I wouldn't have lend her the money NOW if I did have the money and I DID lend her the money if friday rolls around and my friend still hasn't gave me my money back that is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL, so I will ask her about it like this "Hey its been 2weeks and you still havn't paid me back, I need my money back; I don't sh*t out money."
Thats what I would do I have a very PROUD pride and I wouldn't let people walk all over me, I say what is on my MIND.
And YOU should too because life is way harder for people like you.
%26lt;3|||Scenario 1: I would still try to make an attempt to be freindly, but if they scatter and talk about me like a dog, they are no one that I would really want to be a freind of, I'm better off without them. Hang on to the coworkers who treat you well and let the others be the witches they are. You can't force all people to like you, and if you have to force them it isn't worth it.
Scenario #2: I'd move to another line, mainly to keep away from the temptation to say something rudely to them. I learned that if you're the one who starts complaining to people about someone else's behavior, you end up becoming the topic of conversation instead of the idiot with the full cart of groceries in the express line. Eventually someone will say something to them be it an employee that sees the person abusing the lines or a customer.
Scenario #3.
I was put in a situation of borrowing a $100 to someone supposedly to go to their mon's funeral. I learned that when I loan money to a freind that I may have just given the money away. I don't loose freinds over money, but I don't loan money to freinds who I've already donated to their existance.
When the person comes to borrow again, you can remind them that there is still $50 on the books and you can't lend them money if they don't live up to their agreements.
In other words if your going to loan money to a freind, relative etc. consider it in your own mind as a gift that you may never see a return on. Then don't loan anymore and explain I helped you before and you didn't repay, I don't have money to give you.|||Scenario 1: I would confront them, because this type of behaviour really bothers me. What are we in elementary? I would say, hey guys, don't let me ruin the fun! I'm sure nobody wants to hear more of what you are saying than me :) And say it smily. Or, you can take the more subtle approach and approach one or all of them nicely and ask if you have done something to offend them. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. More often than not, when people who act like this are confronted, they feel incredibly stupid for acting the way they did.
Scenario 2: This sucks, but I wouldn't do anything. It's bound to happen and it's frustrating, but who knows why that lady chose to be where she is? Maybe she didn't realize it, maybe she had somewhere really important to go? Or maybe she just plain didn't want to wait. I think humans need to have more patience with each other. So she broke the rule, ah well, wait the extra 5 min and know that karma works. I always think, "That person could be my mother or my sister" or something, and it makes me realize that I woudln't want them to be treated rudely for a mistake or something they did, so I usually let it go or say something kindly. Like, "this is the 20 or under aisle maam, in case you didn't know."
Scenario 3: Friends borrowing money usually leads to a loss of friendship. You want to help, but then a fued starts when money isn't returned. I think you have waited long enough and have been patient. Now I would call and not "ask" for the money but simply "state" that you are going to go pick it up or vice versa. Something like, Hey Jane, I'm on my way to the store and am going to swing by and pick up that 50 I lent you. See, this way it isn't a question. Because if you keep "asking" then she gets annoyed you keep asking and continues to find ways around it. You can also say,if she comes up with excuses, "look we are friends and the last thing I want is to ruin this friendship over 50 dollars. It's not about the money but about the fact that you promised to pay me back and you have been ignoring me for over a week. I would have thought that as friends, I would be the first person you would square up with. Now, what's going on?" Being honest always helps, and if she's in major trouble, at least you won't feel like a jerk for pressuring her.|||Great question!
Scenario 1: I would be very hurt, but would not confront them. I would probably be very introverted that day until I go home, at which point I would probably break into tears (depending on how bad the criticism was.)
Scenario 2: It would irritate me, but I would say nothing and simply hope that the cashier turns them away.
Scenario 3: After that last week, I would ring them up and ask for my money back as soon as possible because I really need it. It would alos be unlikely that I would lend them money again.|||#1 Laugh and ignore that ****, why bother, jus do my work then cruise home and socialize with friends somewhere other than work. Work at work, party after.
#2Confront him point the sign out to him, ask for the manager, tell the cashier.
If he doesn't care about you waiting for ever don't give a fcuk about him, throw your toys out the cott.
#3Confront them, ask nicely, ask again, if nothing... tell them you want it.... if nothing ask them if your friendship is only worth $50.
If nothing still, fcuk them man, who needs peeps like that?
PEACE|||#1 = Smoke a joint
#2 = Smoke a joint
#3 = Smoke a joint
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