Today, I went to Target to return a few items that I had bought when my husband was ill about a month ago. The items had coupons on them. I had the receipt on the items. The medicine would have interfered with my husband's blood pressure medication so it was just being wasted. I also had a razor I bought last Friday which I paid for with my debit card.
The customer service cashier made a huge deal and embarrassed me in front of people in line. She said that I was trying to steal or cheat the store! I had all the receipts for goodness sake. I didn't steal anything. She became so rude that she even called up the store's security officer saying that she was going to call the local police. I didn't steal anything. I had receipts for both transactions in my hand with the credit card too!!
She kept harassing me about the coupons! What the heck! People are using coupons nowadays because of the economy. I wasn't trying to cheat anyone. I just wanted my money back.
I wouldn't steal from anyone. I called the 800 telephone number to complain about her. She shouldn't embarrass me in front of strangers. I feel disgraced. Is there anything else that I should have done? I will not shop in that particular Target again. Maybe none of them for a while.
Thanks for any help.How would you have handled this situation?
How was your temperament? Did you give her reason to be upset? Were you telling her that you wanted the full amount refunded before the coupons? If the answer to both of these is no I'd call the store, talk to THE store manager and tell that person you want the contact number for the regional manager. I'd tell him your story and see what happens.
If you answered yes to either question, go back with a calm attitude armed with your receipts and the items you wish to return. Tell them you used coupons on these items and you just want the amount you paid back.
there is a known scam people do with coupons to buy with them and make money back. the cashier probably assumed you were doing this because a) she hates her job and is a crazy fed up %$#%26amp;^^% or b) you are a meth addict and look like one (a flesh eating zombie). i hope a) is more probable. if it is you should call the main target with her name and complain. tell them to watch the store videos of that day.How would you have handled this situation?
Right away you should have called for the manager. Its her job to get the manager even if she doesn't want to.
She was completely out of bounds. Her actions were ones to get her fired.
I would go back to the store and speak directly with the manager. I would tell manager how u were treated, Tell him that her behavior is un heard of., Also bring in ur debit card that you purchased ur razors with and the receipts. insist that he look them up and demand an apology.
Next time that happens put her on the spot. call the manager and in front of everyone let it be known that you have the receipts for these items. She will look so foolish. Don't let anyone treat u the way she did.
That witch acts like it is her store and she's got to deal with it. If she doesn't like her job she should look for a job else where and not in customer service.
sorry u were treated that way.
She was out of line. What she doesn't get is: if it weren't for people shopping there, she wouldn't have that job.
Document. Get that cashier's name, dept., store address, time of incident, what transpired (exactly as you've stated here).
If she refuses to give you her name, just write a description of her, from head to toe, i.e. hair/eye color, height, any physical feature that stands out, etc.
Also get the name of the manager AND the CEO, or President of Target. They both get Emails.
I hope you don't go through this again, but if so, immediately demand to see his/her supervisor, then back up the incident by documenting and sending copies to the Corporate office.
Good luck
Hello Dear ~
My personal policy on retail personnel is to always deal with a manager.
The moment that the girl behind the counter started being mean, rude or inappropriate, that's when you smile and ask to bring a manager over, and this is especially important with returns or exchanges.
Now, regarding how you feel about today ... look, you're not disgraced and this really (in the grand scheme of things) is not that big of a deal. Boycotting that Target is a little ridiculous, and the best thing you could do is LET IT GO. Did you get your money back? If you did, then it's mission accomplished, and I would just get on with life, and be happy that you're not HER (behind the counter). If you felt the need to complain about the girl, then bravo that you did ... now let it go, please?
It is time to make a lawsuit against her and or target.
If u relle want to find a lawyer that could get you a large settlement out of this.
It's called Assault and it's a misdemeanor.
Otherwise nothing.
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